Phoebe Emma Smith

Phoebe Emma Smith (nee Benson) passed away on August 15th at Muskoka Landing, Huntsville. Phoebe is survived by her beloved husband of almost 58 years, David, her children Lynda, Kathy, Keith and Sean, their spouses and her seven grandchildren. She lived a life full of laughter and love. She was constantly creating, whether it was on stage or in putting together the perfect theme party.


Phoebe was born and raised in Montreal. She was a banquet coordinator at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel before becoming the social director on the Empress of Canada. It was while at sea that she met David on one of their many trans-Atlantic crossings. Phoebe and David lived across Canada, settling in Huntsville in 1987 where she performed in numerous Rotary shows and became a staple at Muskoka Heritage Place. She is greatly loved and will be missed. 


There will be a celebration of her life but, in the meantime, a bottle of red wine with loved ones will suffice.

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